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    The Reprap Project :: FREE 3d printer that makes things and you can make it

    Muhammad Badr

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2010-02-18

    The Reprap Project :: FREE 3d printer that makes things and you can make it Empty The Reprap Project :: FREE 3d printer that makes things and you can make it

    Post  Muhammad Badr Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:40 pm

    A 3d printer - or more officially a rapid-prototyping machine - is a machine that can make real things designed on computer using various materials like paper, plastic, or metals.
    The idea is very simple, it takes this 3d object and convert it to layers of finite thickness, it then PRINT this layers on top of each other creating the object in the end.
    Such technology exists and are being used by mechanical designers and small-quantity industrial factories, however the price to buy such a machine is high, the cheapest machine is over than $30,000.
    The reprap project however is an open source designs for such a machine, the software, electronics, and mechanical designs are all available for free for those who want to make it, it is also very easy and cheap to make.

    For more info::
    The reprap project main site::
    another clone::

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